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Number Field

The Number Field component provides users with a field for number values, with stepper buttons and a scrub area to increment or decrement the value.


A number field is a UI element that accepts numeric values from the user. NumberField is a customizable replacement for the native HTML <input type="number"> that solves some usability and visual issues while enhancing its functionality.


import { NumberField } from '@base_ui/react/NumberField';


The NumberField component is composed of a root component and a group component which contains an input, and optionally, an increment button, decrement button, and a scrub area with a virtual cursor:

    <NumberField.Decrement />
    <NumberField.Input />
    <NumberField.Increment />
      <NumberField.ScrubAreaCursor />

Custom structure

Use the render prop to override the rendered elements with your own components:

<NumberField render={(props) => <MyNumberField {...props} />}>
  {/* Subcomponents */}

All subcomponents accept the render prop.

To ensure behavior works as expected:

  • Forward all props: Your component should spread all props to the underlying element.
  • Forward the ref: Your component should use forwardRef to ensure the Number Field components can access the element via a ref.

A custom component that adheres to these two principles looks like this:

const MyNumberField = React.forwardRef(function MyNumberField(props, ref) {
  return <div ref={ref} {...props} />;


The value prop holds the number value, and onChange is called when it updates:

function App() {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(0);
  return (
    <NumberField value={value} onChange={setValue}>
        <NumberField.Input />

This is the controlled way of handling the number field.

Default value

When the number field is uncontrolled, the defaultValue prop sets the initial value of the input:

<NumberField defaultValue={10}>
    <NumberField.Input />

Min and max values

To prevent the value from going below or above a certain amount, the min and max props can be used:

<NumberField min={0} max={100}>
    <NumberField.Input />


The step prop snaps values of the input to ones that are multiples of the given number, affecting how the stepper buttons change the value:

<NumberField step={5} min={2}>
    <NumberField.Input />

In the above example, the numbers are snapped to multiples of step starting from the min value: 2, 7, 12, 17 and so on.

The largeStep and smallStep props can be specified to change the step when a modifier key is held:

  • largeStep is used when shift is held, incrementing and snapping to multiples of 10.
  • smallStep is used when alt is held, incrementing and snapping to multiples of 0.1.
<NumberField step={5} largeStep={50} smallStep={0.5}>
    <NumberField.Input />


The format prop accepts Intl.NumberFormat options to customize the formatting of the input value:

Press Enter to start editing


The ScrubArea subcomponent lets users scrub the value with their pointer as a faster alternative to the stepper buttons. This is useful in high-density UIs, such as an image editor that changes the width, height, or location of a layer:

Press Enter to start editing

The pointer is locked while scrubbing, allowing the user to scrub infinitely without hitting the window boundary. Since this hides the cursor, you can add a virtual cursor asset using the NumberField.ScrubAreaCursor subcomponent, which automatically loops around the boundary:

<NumberField.ScrubArea direction="horizontal" style={{ cursor: 'ew-resize' }}>
  <label htmlFor={id} style={{ cursor: 'unset' }}>
    <span style={{ filter: 'drop-shadow(2px 0 2px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.3))' }}>
        viewBox="0 0 24 12"
          d="M19.3382 3.00223V5.40757L13.0684 5.40757L13.0683 5.40757L6.59302 5.40964V3V1.81225L5.74356 2.64241L1.65053 6.64241L1.28462 7L1.65053 7.35759L5.74356 11.3576L6.59302 12.1878V11L6.59302 8.61585L13.0684 8.61585H19.3382V11V12.1741L20.1847 11.3605L24.3465 7.36049L24.7217 6.9999L24.3464 6.63941L20.1846 2.64164L19.3382 1.82862V3.00223Z"

In your CSS, ensure any label elements inside the ScrubArea specify cursor: unset. You can rotate the above macOS-style cursor 90 degrees using a transform style.

Teleport distance

To teleport the virtual cursor closer to the input rather than the entire viewport, use the teleportDistance prop:

<NumberField.ScrubArea teleportDistance={200}>
  <NumberField.ScrubAreaCursor />

This specifies in pixels the distance the cursor can travel around the center of the scrub area element before it loops back around.

Wheel scrubbing

To allow the input to be scrubbed using the mouse wheel, add the allowWheelScrub prop:

Press Enter to start editing


import { useNumberField } from '@mui/base/useNumberField';

The useNumberField hook lets you apply the functionality of a Number Field to a fully custom component. It returns props to be placed on the custom component, along with fields representing the component's internal state.


Ensure the number field has an accessible name via a label element.