The Select components let you create lists of options for users to choose from.
useOption API
import { useOption } from '@mui/base/useOption';
// or
import { useOption } from '@mui/base';
Name | Type | Default | Description |
disabled* | boolean | - | |
label* | string | React.ReactNode | - | |
value* | Value | - | |
id | string | - | |
rootRef | React.Ref<Element> | - |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
getRootProps | <ExternalProps extends Record<string, unknown>>(externalProps?: ExternalProps) => UseOptionRootSlotProps<ExternalProps> | - | Resolver for the root slot's props. |
highlighted | boolean | - | If |
index | number | - | |
rootRef | React.RefCallback<Element> | null | - | Ref to the root slot DOM node. |
selected | boolean | - | If |
useOptionContextStabilizer API
import { useOptionContextStabilizer } from '@mui/base/useOption';
// or
import { useOptionContextStabilizer } from '@mui/base';
Name | Type | Default | Description |
useSelect API
import { useSelect } from '@mui/base/useSelect';
// or
import { useSelect } from '@mui/base';
Name | Type | Default | Description |
areOptionsEqual | (a: OptionValue, b: OptionValue) => boolean | - | A function used to determine if two options' values are equal. By default, reference equality is used. |
buttonRef | React.Ref<Element> | - | The ref of the trigger button element. |
componentName | string | 'useSelect' | The name of the component using useSelect. For debugging purposes. |
defaultOpen | boolean | false | If |
defaultValue | SelectValue<OptionValue, Multiple> | - | The default selected value. Use when the component is not controlled. |
disabled | boolean | false | If |
getOptionAsString | (option: SelectOption<OptionValue>) => string | defaultOptionStringifier | A function used to convert the option label to a string. This is useful when labels are elements and need to be converted to plain text to enable keyboard navigation with character keys. |
getSerializedValue | (option: SelectValue<SelectOption<OptionValue>, Multiple>) => React.InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement>['value'] | - | A function to convert the currently selected value to a string. Used to set a value of a hidden input associated with the select, so that the selected value can be posted with a form. |
listboxId | string | - | The |
listboxRef | React.Ref<Element> | - | The ref of the listbox element. |
multiple | Multiple | false | If |
name | string | - | The |
onChange | (event: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent | React.FocusEvent | null, value: SelectValue<OptionValue, Multiple>) => void | - | Callback fired when an option is selected. |
onHighlightChange | (event: React.MouseEvent<Element, MouseEvent> | React.KeyboardEvent<Element> | React.FocusEvent<Element, Element> | null, highlighted: OptionValue | null) => void | - | Callback fired when an option is highlighted. |
onOpenChange | (open: boolean) => void | - | Callback fired when the listbox is opened or closed. |
open | boolean | - | Controls the open state of the select's listbox. This is the controlled equivalent of the |
options | ReadonlyArray<SelectOptionDefinition<OptionValue>> | - | An alternative way to specify the options. If this parameter is set, options defined as JSX children are ignored. |
required | boolean | - | If |
value | SelectValue<OptionValue, Multiple> | - | The selected value. Set to |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
buttonActive | boolean | - | If |
buttonFocusVisible | boolean | - | If |
buttonRef | React.RefCallback<Element> | null | - | Ref to the button slot DOM node. |
contextValue | SelectProviderValue<Value> | - | A value to be passed to the |
disabled | boolean | - | If |
dispatch | (action: ListAction<Value> | SelectAction<Value>) => void | - | Action dispatcher for the select component. Allows to programmatically control the select. |
getButtonProps | <ExternalProps extends Record<string, unknown> = {}>(externalProps?: ExternalProps) => UseSelectButtonSlotProps<ExternalProps> | - | Resolver for the button slot's props. |
getHiddenInputProps | <ExternalProps extends Record<string, unknown> = {}>(externalProps?: ExternalProps) => UseSelectHiddenInputSlotProps<ExternalProps> | - | Resolver for the hidden input slot's props. |
getListboxProps | <ExternalProps extends Record<string, unknown> = {}>(externalProps?: ExternalProps) => UseSelectListboxSlotProps<ExternalProps> | - | Resolver for the listbox slot's props. |
getOptionMetadata | (optionValue: Value) => SelectOption<Value> | undefined | - | A function that returns the metadata of an option with a given value. |
highlightedOption | Value | null | - | The value of the highlighted option. |
listboxRef | React.RefCallback<Element> | null | - | Ref to the listbox slot DOM node. |
open | boolean | - | If |
options | Value[] | - | Values of all the registered options. |
value | SelectValue<Value, Multiple> | - | The value of the selected option(s). |